David GarrawayPhD candidate in Mechanical EngineeringThe City College of New Yorkdgarraw000@citymail.cuny.edu S M Abdur RobPhD candidate in Mechanical EngineeringThe City College of New Yorksrob000@citymail.cuny.edu Said Mejia ManriqueDoctoral Candidate in Civil EngineeringThe City College of New Yorksmejiam000@citymail.cuny.edu Rabindra PokhrelPh.D., Mechanical EngineeringAssistant Professor at Kathmandu Universityrpokhre000@citymail.cuny.edu Qurat Faiz M.S. Earth Systems and Environmental EngineeringThe City College of New Yorkqfaiz000@citymail.cuny.edu Madhusmista SwainPost-Doctorial Candidate Atmospheric SciencesUniversity at Alabnymswain@albany.edu David Melecio-VázquezPh.D. Mechanical Engineering Geospatial Data Scientist at First Street Foundationdmeleci00@citymail.cuny.edu Harold GamarroMS in Mechanical EngineeringThe City College of New Yorkhgamarro@albany.edu Qurat Faiz M.S. Earth Systems and Environmental EngineeringThe City College of New Yorkqfaiz000@citymail.cuny.edu Madhusmista SwainPost-Doctorial Candidate Atmospheric SciencesUniversity at Alabnymswain@albany.edu Qurat Faiz M.S. Earth Systems and Environmental EngineeringThe City College of New Yorkqfaiz000@citymail.cuny.edu Madhusmista SwainPost-Doctorial Candidate Atmospheric SciencesUniversity at Alabnymswain@albany.edu